CoreMesh is a CoreObject representing a mesh that can be placed in the scene. It is the parent type for both AnimatedMesh and StaticMesh.
Property Name | Return Type | Description | Tags |
team | integer | Assigns the mesh to a team. Value range from 0 to 4 . 0 is neutral team. | Read-Write |
isTeamColorUsed | boolean | If true , and the mesh has been assigned to a valid team, players on that team will see a blue mesh, while other players will see red. Requires a material that supports the color property. | Read-Write |
isTeamCollisionEnabled | boolean | If false , and the mesh has been assigned to a valid team, players on that team will not collide with the mesh. | Read-Write |
isEnemyCollisionEnabled | boolean | If false , and the mesh has been assigned to a valid team, players on other teams will not collide with the mesh. | Read-Write |
isCameraCollisionEnabled | boolean | If false , the mesh will not push against the camera. Useful for things like railings or transparent walls. This property is deprecated, use the cameraCollision property instead. | Read-Write, Deprecated |
meshAssetId | string | The ID of the mesh asset used by this mesh. | Read-Only |
Function Name | Return Type | Description | Tags |
GetColor() | Color | Returns the color override previously set from script, or 0, 0, 0, 0 if no such color has been set. | None |
SetColor(Color) | None | Overrides the color of all materials on the mesh, and replicates the new colors. | None |
ResetColor() | None | Turns off the color override, if there is one. | None |
Example using:
You can set a color override for a mesh. Exactly what this means will depend on the material of the mesh, but in general, setting a mesh's color will make the mesh be tinted to match that color.
local cube = World.SpawnAsset(propCubeTemplate, {position = Vector3.New(1000, 0, 300) })
for i = 1, 40 do
local cubeColor = cube:GetColor()
local newColor = Color.New(cubeColor.r * 0.95, cubeColor.g * 0.95, cubeColor.b * 0.95)
See also: World.SpawnAsset | Vector3.New | Color.WHITE | Task.Wait
Example using:
You can check the asset ID of a static mesh. This will be the MUID of the Core Content object it was created from.
local cube = World.SpawnAsset(propCubeTemplate, {position = Vector3.New(1000, 0, 300) })
print("The asset ID is " .. cube.meshAssetId)
See also: World.SpawnAsset | Vector3.New | CoreLua.print
Example using:
You can set a mesh to belong to a particular "team". These match the teams that players can be set to. (0-4) There are also several properties that are keyed to what team an object is on.
This sample sets a mesh (and all of its children) to be on a particular team.
You can also control whether the camera is allowed to clip into a mesh or not.
function AssignMeshToTeam(mesh, team)
local objects = mesh:FindDescendantsByType("CoreMesh")
table.insert(objects, mesh)
for k, mesh in ipairs(objects) do
-- Set the team = team
-- Make the mesh tinted based on the color of the team it is on.
mesh.isTeamColorUsed = true
-- Enable collision for enemies, but not allies.
mesh.isTeamCollisionEnabled = false
mesh.isEnemyCollisionEnabled = true
-- Set the camera to not collide with this mesh.
mesh.isCameraCollisionEnabled = false
AssignMeshToTeam(cube, 1)
See also: CoreObject.FindDescendantsByType