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CustomMaterial objects represent a custom material made in core. They can have their properties changed from script.


Function Name Return Type Description Tags
SetProperty(string propertyName, value) None Sets the given property of the material. Client-Only
GetProperty(string propertyName) value Gets the value of a given property. Client-Only
GetPropertyNames() Array<string> Returns an array of all property names on this CustomMaterial. Client-Only
GetBaseMaterialId() string Returns the asset id of the material this CustomMaterial was based on. Client-Only

Class Functions

Class Function Name Return Type Description Tags
CustomMaterial.Find(string assetId) CustomMaterial Returns a CustomMaterial with the given assetId. This function may yield while loading data. Client-Only


Example using:


This example will print all modifiable properties belonging to the custom material in the first material slot of a cube. For this example to work, a custom material must be in the first material slot of the cube.

local CUBE = script.parent

-- Get the first material slot of the "CUBE"
local FirstMaterialSlot = CUBE:GetMaterialSlots()[1]

-- Get the Custom Material applied to this material slot
local CustomMaterial = FirstMaterialSlot:GetCustomMaterial()

-- Print the names of all modifiable properties belonging to the "CustomMaterial"
for key, value in ipairs(CustomMaterial:GetPropertyNames()) do

See also: MaterialSlot.GetCustomMaterial | StaticMesh.GetMaterialSlots

Example using:


This example will continually rotate a custom material at a rate of 180 degrees per second.

local CUBE = script.parent

-- The amount of time in seconds that has passed
local timePassed = 0

-- Get the first material slot of the "CUBE"
local FirstMaterialSlot = CUBE:GetMaterialSlots()[1]

-- Get the Custom Material applied to this material slot
local CustomMaterial = FirstMaterialSlot:GetCustomMaterial()

-- How many degrees the material will rotate every second
local ROTATION_SPEED = 180

function Tick(deltaTime)
    -- Update the "timePassed" with the "deltaTime" to accurately reflect how many seconds have passed
    -- since this script has started running
    timePassed = timePassed + deltaTime

    -- Determine the current rotation based on how many seconds have passed
    local rotationAngle = timePassed * ROTATION_SPEED

    -- Update the rotation of the custom material with the value from "rotationAngle"
    CustomMaterial:SetProperty("rotate_material", rotationAngle)

See also: MaterialSlot.GetCustomMaterial | StaticMesh.GetMaterialSlots

Last update: September 25, 2021