A quaternion-based representation of a rotation.
Constructor Name | Return Type | Description | Tags |
Quaternion.New([number x, number y, number z, number w]) | Quaternion | Constructs a Quaternion with the given values. Defaults to 0, 0, 0, 1. | None |
Quaternion.New(Rotation r) | Quaternion | Constructs a Quaternion with the given Rotation. | None |
Quaternion.New(Vector3 axis, number angle) | Quaternion | Constructs a Quaternion representing a rotation of angle degrees around the axis of the Vector3. | None |
Quaternion.New(Vector3 from, Vector3 to) | Quaternion | Constructs a Quaternion between the from and to of the Vector3s. | None |
Quaternion.New(Quaternion q) | Quaternion | Copies the given Quaternion. | None |
Constant Name | Return Type | Description | Tags |
Quaternion.IDENTITY | Quaternion | Predefined Quaternion with no rotation. | None |
Property Name | Return Type | Description | Tags |
x | number | The x component of the Quaternion. | Read-Write |
y | number | The y component of the Quaternion. | Read-Write |
z | number | The z component of the Quaternion. | Read-Write |
w | number | The w component of the Quaternion. | Read-Write |
Function Name | Return Type | Description | Tags |
GetRotation() | Rotation | Get the Rotation representation of the Quaternion. | None |
GetForwardVector() | Vector3 | Forward unit vector rotated by the quaternion. | None |
GetRightVector() | Vector3 | Right unit vector rotated by the quaternion. | None |
GetUpVector() | Vector3 | Up unit vector rotated by the quaternion. | None |
Class Functions
Class Function Name | Return Type | Description | Tags |
Quaternion.Slerp(Quaternion from, Quaternion to, number progress) | Quaternion | Spherical interpolation between two quaternions by the specified progress amount and returns the resultant, normalized Quaternion. | None |
Operator Name | Return Type | Description | Tags |
Quaternion + Quaternion | Quaternion | Component-wise addition. | None |
Quaternion - Quaternion | Quaternion | Component-wise subtraction. | None |
Quaternion * Quaternion | Quaternion | Compose two quaternions, with the result applying the right rotation first, then the left rotation second. | None |
Quaternion * number | Quaternion | Multiplies each component by the right-side number. | None |
Quaternion * Vector3 | Vector3 | Rotates the right-side vector and returns the result. | None |
Quaternion / number | Quaternion | Divides each component by the right-side number. | None |
-Quaternion | Quaternion | Returns the inverse rotation. | None |
Example using:
is a function for finding a quaternion that is part way between two other quaternions. Since quaternions represent rotations, this means a rotation that is part way between two other rotations. When combined with a tick function or loop, we can use it to smoothly animate something rotating.
is useful if you need to convert a quaternion into a rotation variable. (For passing to functions like CoreObject:SetWorldRotation()
for example.)
We can also access various unit vectors, as transformed by the quaternion, via Quaternion:GetForwardVector
, Quaternion:GetRightVector
, andQuaternion:GetUpVector
local propCubeTemplate = script:GetCustomProperty("CubeTemplate")
local myObject = World.SpawnAsset(propCubeTemplate,
{ position = Vector3.New(500, 0, 500)})
local startQuat = Quaternion.IDENTITY
local endQuat = Quaternion.New(Vector3.UP, 120)
local steps = 300
local objectPos = myObject:GetWorldPosition()
for i = 1, steps do
-- Rotate this quaternion over time
local currentQuat = Quaternion.Slerp(startQuat, endQuat, i/steps)
CoreDebug.DrawLine(objectPos, objectPos + currentQuat:GetForwardVector() * 1000,
{ thickness = 5, color = Color.RED })
CoreDebug.DrawLine(objectPos, objectPos + currentQuat:GetRightVector() * 1000,
{ thickness = 5, color = Color.GREEN })
CoreDebug.DrawLine(objectPos, objectPos + currentQuat:GetUpVector() * 1000,
{ thickness = 5, color = Color.BLUE })
print("Tah dah!")
See also: Quaternion.New | CoreObject.GetCustomProperty | World.SpawnAsset | CoreDebug.DrawLine | Vector3.New | Color.RED | Task.Wait | CoreLua.print
Example using:
There are several different ways to create new Quaternions.
local sqrt2over2 = math.sqrt(2) / 2
-- Makes an identity Quaternion. (Rotates by 0 degrees.)
local identityQuat = Quaternion.New()
-- You can also access the identity quaternion via the static property:
local otherIdentityQuat = Quaternion.IDENTITY
-- Creates a quaternion from a rotation.
local rotationQuaternion = Quaternion.New(Rotation.New(Vector3.RIGHT, Vector3.UP))
-- Creates a quaternion from an axis and an angle.
local axisQuaternion = Quaternion.New(Vector3.UP, 90)
-- Creates a quaternion that rotates from one vector to another.
local fromToQuaternion = Quaternion.New(Vector3.FORWARD, Vector3.RIGHT)
-- Creates a quaternion that is a copy of an existing quaternion.
local copyQuaternion = Quaternion.New(rotationQuaternion)
-- You can also create a quaternion by directly assigning x, y, z, w values,
-- but this is not recommended unless you are VERY sure you understand
-- how quaternions represent rotations.
-- This rotation is identical to rotationQuaternion, above - 90 degrees around the z axis.
local directQuaternion = Quaternion.New(0, 0, sqrt2over2, sqrt2over2)
See also: Rotation.New | Vector3.RIGHT
Example using:
Multiplying a vector (or another quaternion!) by a quaternion applies the quaternion to the vector/quaternion.
-- Multiplying two components will produce a quaternion that is the composite result.
local rotate90Degrees = Quaternion.New(Vector3.UP, 90)
local rotate180Degrees = rotate90Degrees * rotate90Degrees
local rotate360Degrees = rotate180Degrees * rotate90Degrees * rotate90Degrees
-- Multiplying a vector by a quaternion will produce a vector that has been rotated by the quaternion.
local rotatedVector = rotate90Degrees * Vector3.FORWARD
-- rotatedVector is now equal to Vector3.RIGHT, because it has been rotated 90 degrees
-- You can also invert a quaternion using the minus-sign. Note that this is NOT the same
-- as inverting the components. This produces a reversed rotation instead.
-- This example rotates a vector by 90 degrees, and then back, leaving it unchanged.
local forwardVector = rotate90Degrees * -rotate90Degrees * Vector3.FORWARD
See also: Quaternion.New | Vector3.UP
Example using:
This example will localize the position of "propObject" based on the rotation of "propOrigin". The localized position is the position of an object from the perspective of another object. The localized position in this example will be stored in the variable named "localizedPosition".
--Get the object that will be the origin of this localization.
--The localized position will be from the perspective of this "Origin" object.
local propOrigin = script:GetCustomProperty("Origin"):WaitForObject()
--Get the object that will have its position localized. This is the object
--that the "Origin" object would be looking at.
local propObject = script:GetCustomProperty("Object"):WaitForObject()
--Create a vector pointing from "propOrigin" to "propObject"
local posDiff = propObject:GetWorldPosition() - propOrigin:GetWorldPosition()
--Get the quaternion of the "propOrigin" object
local propOriginQuaternion = propOrigin:GetWorldTransform():GetQuaternion()
--Rotate the "posDiff" vector using the quaternion of "propOrigin". This rotated vector contains the localized
--position of "propObject" with "propOrigin" as the origin point and origin rotation
local localizedPosition = propOriginQuaternion * posDiff
See also: CoreObject.GetWorldTransform | Transform.GetQuaternion
Example using:
You can read or set the components of a quaternion directly, although this is not recommended unless you are extremely familiar with quaternions.
local myQuaternion = Quaternion.New()
myQuaternion.x = 0
myQuaternion.y = 0
myQuaternion.z = math.sqrt(2)/2
myQuaternion.w = math.sqrt(2)/2
-- myQuaternion is now a 90 degree rotation about the Z axis!
See also: Quaternion.New