Property Name | Return Type | Description | Tags |
type | string | All data structures and Objects share the common type property. | Read-Only |
Function Name | Return Type | Description | Tags |
IsA() | boolean | Expects a string parameter representing an object type. For example myObject:IsA("Equipment") . Returns true if the object is of the given type or one of its subtypes, returns false otherwise. | None |
Example using:
Sometimes you have a variable, but you don't know exactly what type it is. Fortunately, Lua offers several ways of checking the type at runtime, and Core expands those with a few more.
local number = 42
local text = "Example"
local cube = World.SpawnAsset(propCubeTemplate, {position = Vector3.New(1000, 0, 300) })
local player = Game.GetPlayers()[1]
local vector = Vector3.UP
-- Most types described in the Core API have a .type property, which
-- can be used to check their type. It returns a string of the typename.
print("the type of [cube] is " .. cube.type) -- "StaticMesh"
print("the type of [player] is " .. player.type) -- "Player"
print("the type of [vector] is " .. vector.type) -- "Vector3"
-- (Note that base Lua types (string, number, etc) do NOT have this property!)
-- These types also support the :IsA() method - it accepts a typename (as a string)
-- and returns true if the object is that type.
-- This is sometimes more useful than checking the .type directly, because :IsA()
-- returns true for parent classes of the type as well as exact matches:
print(cube:IsA("StaticMesh")) -- true
print(cube:IsA("CoreMesh")) -- also true
print(cube:IsA("CoreObject")) -- still true!
-- You can also, of course, use the standard lua type() function, but for
-- anything other than basic lua types, it will return a type of "userdata".
print(type(cube)) -- userdata
print(type(vector)) -- also userdata
print(type(player)) -- still userdata!
-- It is useful for base lua types though!
print(type(text)) -- string
print(type(number)) -- number
See also: Game.GetPlayers | World.SpawnAsset | Vector3.New | CoreLua.print
Dernière mise à jour: 2 février 2022