Core Editor Key Bindings
Editor Tabs
Operation | Key | Description | Requirements / Context |
Open Hierarchy tab | H | Opens Hierarchy (Selects It If Already Open) | None |
Open Properties tab | I | Opens Properties (Selects It If Already Open) | None |
Open Core Content tab | M | Opens Core Content (Selects If Already Open) | None |
Open Community Content | K | Opens Community Content (Selects If Already Open) | None |
Editor Navigation
Operation | Key | Description | Requirements / Context |
Navigate Selections | Up Down Left Right | Moves Selection Up / Down (Even Through Tabs) | None |
Navigate Selection | Tab | Go To Next Element In Editor Selection | Viewport Not Active |
Main Menu | Esc OR Ctrl+P | Opens Pause Menu | None |
Hierarchy Organization
Operation | Key | Description | Requirements / Context |
Wrap Object in Group | Ctrl+G | Create a Group Containing The Selected Objects | Selection |
Unwrap Grouped Object | Ctrl+G | Remove a Folder / Group Without Deleting Children | Selection |
Create New Folder | Ctrl+Shift+N | Create a New Folder in the Hierarchy | None |
Viewport Movement
Operation | Key | Description | Requirements / Context |
Move in Editor | Middle Button | Drag to Move In 3D Space | Viewport Active |
Move in Editor | Right Button | Hold to Move In 3D Space - QE = Up / Down, WASD = Normal | Viewport Active |
Move Forward / Backwards | Middle Button OR Alt+Right Button | Moves Forwards And Backwards | Viewport Active |
Move Camera | Right Button | Hold to Move the Camera Instead of the Character | Viewport Active |
Orbit Camera | Alt+Left Button | Hold and then Drag to Pivot Camera Around Central Point | Viewport Active |
Orbit Last Selected | Alt+Shift | Works Even After A Viewport Change | None |
Pan Camera | Middle Button | Hold to Move The Camera Perpendicular To View Direction | Viewport Active |
Slow Movement | C | Hold To Slow Down Movement Rate | Viewport Active, Moving |
Drag Zoom | Alt+Right Button | Hold to Zoom In And Out - Up / Down Or Left / Right Drag | Viewport Active |
Fast Movement | Shift | Hold To Increase Movement Rate | Viewport Active, Moving |
Object Selection
Operation | Key | Description | Requirements / Context |
Selection Area | Left Button | Creates Selection Box | Viewport Active |
Select / Deselect | Left Button | If Object over Cursor select it, otherwise Deselect All | Viewport Active |
Select All | Ctrl+A | Select Everything in the Scene | None |
Add to Selection | Shift+Left Button | Adds Object to Selection, or Makes Already Selected Object the Current Pivot. | Selection |
Add / Subtract from Selection | Ctrl+Left Button | Adds or Removes Object from Current Selection | Selection |
Deselect All | Esc | Deselects All (same as Ctrl+P) | Selection |
Place Selected | X | Places Selected Asset at Cursor Location | Asset Selected, Viewport Active |
Place Selected Align Surface Normal | Shift+X | Places Selected Asset at Cursor Location, align up Vector with Cursor Raycast Normal, takes into account extra settings on Object Generator tab, like randomize scale/color, etc | Asset Selected, Viewport Active |
Navigate Hierarchy | Up Down | Selects Next / Previous Item in List | Viewport or Hierarchy Active |
Navigate Child/Parent | Left Right | Selects Parent or First Child, or Expands / Collapses Current Parent Node (group etc.) | Viewport or Hierarchy Active |
Expand / Collapse Recursive | Shift+Left Button | Expand / Collapse Selected Item and Children Under It | On Expansion Arrow |
New Template From Object | Ctrl+Shift+I | Creates a new template from the current object selected | Object Selected |
Update Template From Object | Ctrl+Shift+O | Updates a template if the current object selected is an instance of a template | Object Selected |
New Objects
Operation | Key | Description | Requirements / Context |
Create Spawn Point | 0 | Creates Spawn Point Object at Cursor Location | Viewport Active |
Create UI Text | 1 | Creates UI Text Object | Viewport Active |
Create UI Stat Bar | 2 | Creates UI Stat Bar Object | Viewport Active |
Create Text Renderer | 5 | Creates Text Renderer Object at Cursor Location | Viewport Active |
Create Point Light | 7 | Creates Point Light Object at Cursor Location | Viewport Active |
Create Spot Light | 8 | Creates Spot Light Object at Cursor Location | Viewport Active |
Create Trigger | 9 | Creates Trigger Object at Cursor Location | Viewport Active |
Create Equipment | Page Up | Creates Equipment Object at Cursor Location | Viewport Active |
Create Weapon | Page Down | Creates Weapon Object at Cursor Location | Viewport Active |
Select / Edit Terrain | L | Selects and Edits the Terrain | Viewport Active |
Operation | Key | Description | Requirements / Context |
Select Move Tool | W | Selects Move Tool | None |
Select Rotate Tool | E | Selects Rotate Widget | None |
Select Scale Tool | R | Selects Scale Tool | None |
Toggle Grid Snapping | G | Enables or Disables Objects Snapping to Grid | None |
Decrease Move Snap | [ | Decrease Grid Snap Scale for Move Tool | None |
Increase Move Snap | ] | Increase Grid Snap Scale for Move Tool | None |
Decrease Rotate Snap | [ | Decrease Grid Snap Scale for Rotate Tool | None |
Increase Rotate Snap | ] | Increase Grid Snap Scale for Rotate Tool | None |
Decrease Scale Snap | [ | Decrease Grid Snap Scale for Scale Tool | None |
Increase Scale Snap | ] | Increase Grid Snap Scale for Scale Tool | None |
Toggle World / Local Space | T | Toggles Between Local and World Space | None |
Editor Misc
Operation | Key | Description | Requirements / Context |
Undo | Ctrl+Z | Undo Last Action | None |
Redo | Ctrl+Y | Redo Last Action | None |
Cut | Ctrl+X | Cut Selection from Scene and Add to Clipboard | Selection |
Copy | Ctrl+C | Copy Selection to Clipboard | Selection |
Duplicate | Ctrl+W | Duplicates Object | Selection |
Paste | Ctrl+V | Paste Selection | Selection |
Rename | F2 | Rename Selected Object | Selection |
Drop to Floor | End | Drops Selection to Nearest Surface Below | Selection |
Toggle Gizmo Visibility | V | Enables or Disables Visibility of Gizmo Indicators | Viewport Open |
Toggle Manipulator Visibility | Shift+V | Enables or Disables Visibility of Manipulator Indicators | Viewport Open |
Copy MUID | Ctrl+Alt+C | Copies MUID to Clipboard | Selection |
Delete | Del | Deletes Object and Removes References to It | Selection |
Play Mode
Operation | Key | Description | Requirements / Context |
Toggle Play Mode | = | Start or Stop Preview Mode | Viewport Open |
Stop Play Mode | Esc | Cancels Play Mode (same as Equals) | Game Running in Edit Mode |
Pause Play | Tab | Pauses Running Game | Game Running in Edit Mode |
Pause Editor | Esc | Brings up Pause Screen | None |
Operation | Key | Description | Requirements / Context |
Save Map | Ctrl+S | Saves the Game or Current Script to Disk | None (or Selection) |
Save All | Ctrl+Shift+S | Saves Game and Modified Scripts to Disk | None |
Operation | Key | Description | Requirements / Context |
Terrain Brush Enlarge | > | Increase Terrain Brush Size (Shift to Increase Faster) | Active Terrain Editing |
Terrain Brush Shrink | < | Decrease Terrain Brush Size (Shift to Decrease Faster) | Active Terrain Editing |
Text Editor
Operation | Key | Description | Requirements / Context |
Find | Ctrl+F | Highlights Selection | In Text Editor |
Find Next | F3 | When in Find, Selects Next Occurrence | In Text Editor |
Find Previous | Shift+F3 | When in Find, Selects Previous Occurrence | In Text Editor |
Compile Script | F5 | Compiles Script With Uncompiled Changes | Script Open |
Dernière mise à jour: 31 janvier 2023